Koleksi Qoutes Saya
- it’s about the journey, not the destination
- the fear we dont face become our limit
- new achivement come from a new habit
- it will get easier everyday, but you need to do everyday. that the hard part.
- if you dont want to sacrifice what you want, then what you want will be the sacrifice.
- a man who ask a question is a fool for a minute, a man who doest ask a question is a fool for life.
- the lesson you struggle with will repeat it self untill you learn from it
- the eye are useless when the mind is blind
- sunat fajr is more good than the world and its containing. why do you think is easy to achive?
- the world is a prison for the beliver and a haven to the unbeliver. abu huraira
- road to heaven feel like hell, road to hell feel like heaven
- the deeper the grief, the closer is God
- same hot water make the egg hard and make the potato soft. which one are you?
- goodluck only happen to people that prepared
- graduation is a moment of celebration, reflexion and new begining
Bahasa Melayu
- tawakal adalah tempat kembalinya segala usaha
- kekadang si kaya ulang alik ke mekah mencari keredaan Allah, sedangkan si miskin hanya di depan matanya.
- orang duduk di rumah kaca tidak akan membaling baru rumah jirannya.
- pokok takkan bergoyang tanpa angin, manusia takkan berubah tanpa sebab.
- jangan duduk semeja dengan orang yang membicarakan tentang buruknya orang lain, karena begitu kamu beranjak, kamu adalah topik selanjutnya.
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