

Pembahagian markah

  • Markah keseluruhan: 110 (66 Lulus/60%)
    • End of Round (EoR): 33
    • Final MCQ (1 papers): 77

End of Round (EoR): 33

  • Clincal E-exam: 10
  • OSCE E-exam: 23

Tempoh module dan Exam

Tempoh module

  • 17 Feb 2024 - 7 Mac 2024
  • 3 weeks: 3 lecture weeks, 1 study day, 1 exam day


  • End of Round (EoR): 7 Mac 2024
  • Final MCQ: 22 Jun 2024

End of Round OSCE Clinical

  • What is the cause of vision affection in this condition?
  • The inability to look upward is due to affection of which muscle?
  • Best management of child exotropia
  • Hypema treatment
  • Iridodialysis
  • Chemical ocular trauma grad 3
  • Abnorma head posture in this picture will be
  • Confrontation test
  • Sight threatening complication of exopthalamus
  • Minus lens
  • Treatment of macula edema
  • Xanthelasma
  • Type of astygmatism
  • Cause of this feature
  • What is the cause of lacrimation and recurrent conjuctivitis in this infant?
  • Best test of dry AMD
  • Treatment of congenital glaucoma
  • Corneal Dentritis
  • Pterygium decrease recurrence
  • Confirmation of purulent discharge
  • Unilateral red eye, sore throat, preauricular LN
  • Retinal detachment
  • Fluorescein dye on ocular trauma
  • Direct ophthalmoscopy usage
  • Squint
  • Ciliary injection eye
  • RADP
  • Goldman device
  • Cobble stone
  • CRAO
  • PDR
  • Complication of cataract
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