
Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB-GYN)

Pembahagian markah

  • Markah keseluruhan: 300 (180 Lulus/60%)
    • End of Round (EoR): 120
    • Final MCQ (2 papers): 180

End of Round (EoR): 120

  • Clinical Long Case: 35
  • Clinical Case Scenarios: 30
  • OSCE: 40
  • Assignment: 10
  • Incision Academy: 5

Tempoh module dan Exam

Tempoh module

  • 9 Dec 2023 - 15 Feb 2024
  • 8 weeks: 6 lecture weeks, 1 study week, 1 exam week

Tempoh kelas

  • 9 Dec 2023 - 18 Jan 2024


  • End of Round (EoR): 8 Feb 2024 - 15 Feb 2024
    • Clinical Long Case: 10 Feb 2024
      • History taking, present to Dr and oral QnA
    • Clinical Case Scenarios: 13 Feb 2024
      • 2 case scenarios
    • OSCE: 15 Feb 2024
      • 10 stations
    • Assignment: 13 Feb - 18 Feb
    • Incision Academy: 13 Feb - 18 Feb
  • Final MCQ
    • Paper 1: 1 Jun 2024
    • Paper 2: 8 Jun 2024

End of Round OSCE Clinical dan Written

Clinical Long Case

History taking and present - Dr Zainab

  1. important of name in hx
  2. meaning of oligomenorrhea
  3. fate of OP presentation
  4. when DM screening and test name
  5. Absolute indication of c-section

Clinical Case Scenarios

  • Gyn: Contraceptive
  • Gyn: Endmetrial Hyperplasia
  • Obs: Plancental Abruption


  1. episiotomy
    • name
    • advantages
    • other types
    • when to do
  2. vaginatis
    • diagnosis
    • predisposing factor
    • causative agent
    • treatment
  3. ctg
    • name of the test
    • gambar atas maksudnya apa, bawah maksudnya apa
    • normal or not
    • is the woman in labour
  4. us of fetal
    • names of the us (2 for a,
    • b, C )
    • indication
    • what if biparietal more large than abdominal and femur
  5. partogram
    • test name
    • name the line (arlet and action)
    • name x
    • name y
  6. direct occipito-posterior picture
    • name of the presentation
    • causes
    • fate
    • normal labor punya favourable apa tah
  7. arye’s spatula
    • what procedure
    • instrument use wooden
    • instrument need - speculum
    • indication
  8. hsg of uterus
    • test name
    • diagnosis
    • complication
    • to find what
  9. PCOS
    • identify us
    • Diagnosis
    • symptoms
    • treatment
  10. IUD
    • mana a,b
    • advantage a
    • complication
    • contraindications

1.webp Assignment group with Dr Hisham


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